The KIDS Program, funded in part by Prevent Child Abuse Iowa (PCA) and Early Childhood North Central Iowa (ECNCI), provides home visits with parents of children ages birth to age 5. KIDS Family Support Workers offer, at minimum, monthly home visits and group meetings twice per year.
The KIDS Program utilizes Parents As Teachers (PAT) Curriculum which provides support with:
Parenting skills
Child development
Early detection of developmental delays and health issues
Increasing school readiness
Potty training, behaviors, routines and visual aides
What is Required for Program Eligibility?
Families in the service area with the following:
- A child under the age of five in the home
- Additionally, priority given to families with:
- Family Income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
- Parents with a High School Diploma or less
- Child(ren) with an IFSP/IEP
KIDS is offered in the following counties:
- Clay
- Dickinson
- Emmet
- Kossuth
- O'Brien
- Palo Alto
What are the Benefits of the KIDS Program?
Free and voluntary
Enhances parent-child interactions
Supports family’s overall safety and well-being
Offers child development screenings, referrals and resources
Improves your child’s friendship, problem solving and thinking skills
Prepares your child for school
How do I Apply?
Call the KIDS Program Director at 712-363-8466